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DaAi News

Tight supply to promote demand growth in the European sheet Market

  • 来源:骏楠官网
  • 作者:骏楠管理员
  • 日期: 2016-12-19
 Supply tensions to promote demand for thin plate market growth, service centers to fulfill the contract had to accept high prices, although some service centers do not believe that the current price sustainable.

  Coking coal contract price rose 85 U.S. dollars / ton in the next quarter to stimulate the market demand rebounded to a certain extent, but the impact of raw material prices on the steel market is declining, we are more concerned about the market supply problem. Many market participants believe that the surge in demand will support the price stability in the 1 quarter of next year, but some market participants believe that the current price level can not be sustained, now demand growth, but the date of delivery based on the consideration of the actual demand does not increase, the market generally believes that the next 5-6 months the actual market demand will be clear, is not expected to be too good then, the second half of next year prices will fall.

  At present, Germany Ruhr coil factory price is 555-560 euros / ton.