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DaAi News

Global steel market continued to rise

  • 来源:骏楠官网
  • 作者:骏楠管理员
  • 日期: 2016-11-28
Global crude steel production for 5 consecutive months of growth:The world steel association data show that: in October 66 global steel producing countries (regions) of the crude steel output reached 1.37 tons, an increase of 3.3%, 5 consecutive months of year-on-year growth; global crude steel in October the average daily output of 4 million 420 thousand tons, a decline of 0.2% months; 1-10 months, the global crude steel production capacity of 13.3 tons, down 0.1%. The world steel association is expected, the recent coking coal, iron ore and other raw materials prices soared to pull the international steel market overall strength, but with the November entered the traditional off-season demand, the steel operating rates will decline, global crude steel is expected in November will continue to decline in average daily output.

India is full of confidence in the domestic steel demand. India iron and steel authority, the day before the forecast, this year, India steel demand increased by 5.4% year on year, in 2017 will be further increased by 5.7%.

The GCC countries to raise import tariffs. Said the UAE Ministry of economy trade and Industry Affairs Secretary Abdullah, in order to maintain the legitimate competition in the local market, the GCC countries are of iron and steel products import tariffs from the current 5% to 15%, and set the upper limit of 15%.