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DaAi News

Vietnam's steel imports hit a record high in 2016

  • 来源:骏楠官网
  • 作者:骏楠管理员
  • 日期: 2017-02-18
      Statistical data published before the Vietnam customs administration show that in 2016 Vietnam imported 18 million 400 thousand tons of steel, the number and amount of value of $about 8000000000, compared with 2015 growth of 18.4% and 7.2% respectively. Imported steel products $3 billion. As a result, in 2016 imports of various types of steel and iron and steel products in Vietnam nearly $11 billion, the highest in history. At the same time, exports of steel and steel products only about $3 billion 900 million, trade deficit of nearly $7 billion.
      China is Vietnam's largest steel import market, accounting for 59% of Vietnam's total imports of steel. 2016 Vietnam imported 10 million 850 thousand tons of steel from China, worth $4 billion 450 million, the number and amount of growth of 14.25% compared to 2015 and 7.1%.. Followed by Japan, imported 2 million 640 thousand tons, worth $1 billion 190 million, respectively, an increase of 2.2% and 6.4%. Third for South Korea, imported 1 million 800 thousand tons, worth $1 billion 10 million, an increase of 3.16% and 3.37%.
      Zhang Qinghuai, director of the Ministry of industry and trade heavy industry, said Vietnam's rapid growth in imports of steel, said the huge domestic demand. Vietnam is a developing country, infrastructure and urban construction demand has been at a high level, according to the 2020 iron and steel planning, Vietnam billet shortage of about 15 million tons, to 2025 shortage of up to 20 million tons.