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DaAi News

River steel Steel Corp, Serbia became the second largest export enterprises

  • 来源:骏楠官网
  • 作者:骏楠管理员
  • 日期: 2017-02-17
      Since July 1, 2016, Hebei iron and Steel Group officially took over the Seth Mei generation Revo steel plant, since the establishment of Serbia River steel Steel Corp, the company exports increased sharply, becoming one of the important power to drive the plug in 2016 export growth. According to the Ministry of finance data, in 2016 the total amount of steel Serbia Steel Corp exports totaling 370 million euros, for the plug of the top second export enterprises. The second half of 2016, the company exports 230 million euros, an increase of more than the first half of the year, an increase of 60.6% in the fourth quarter of 2016, the company's exports of related products accounted for half of the plug base metal exports.